Our Projects Work!

Flood Relief

Flood Relief Project | Disaster Relief

More than 700 flood affected families were helped under the HAVO Flood Relief Project

Relief: 700+ Families — Session: 2022 | JUL

Flood Relief – Medical Camp's

Flood Relief Project: Medical Camp's | Disaster Relief

Flood Relief Project Free checkup and medicine were given to more than 800 families by setting up a medical camp.

Relief: 800+ Families — Session: 2020 | AUG - OCT

COVID– Vaccine Awareness Campaign

Covid-19 Awareness Project: Vaccine Awareness Campaign | 2020 | COVID

More than 3000 families were made aware of the corona vaccine under the awareness campaign of covid

4000+ | Session 2022 |

COVID Relief – Eid's Kits Distribution

Covid-19 Relief Project: Eid's Kits Distribution | 2022 | COVID

Eid kit was distributed among more than 100 covid affected and needy families on the occasion of Eid under the Eid Relief Project

Winter Relief – Blanket's Distribuation

Winter Relief Project: Blanket's Distribution | 2021 | Winter Relief 

Blankets distributed to over 160 families across Champaran under the Winter Relief Project

Relief: 160+  Families Session: 2021 DEC

Organization Day Happy Drive

HAVO Foundation Day Celebration: Happy Kit's Distribution | 2022 | Celebration

On the occasion of the Organisation established Day, sweets were distributed at various chowks and intersections of the city.

HAVO Matric Scholarship

HAVO Scholarship Project | Education

Top 10 selected matriculation students were provided matriculation free education under HAVO Scholarship Project

Republic Day – Constitution Oath Campaign

Republic Day – Constitution Oath Campaign

Under the constitution oath campaign 4000 students and youth took the oath of the preamble of the Indian Constitution

4000+ | 2020

HAVO Youth Chaupal [Under schedule]

About Youth Chaupal  [Under Schedule]

Champaran Green Drive

Green Drive: Champaran Green Drive | Awareness

Under the Champaran Green Drive, more than 2000 Plating were planted in the entire Champaran along with public awareness campaign.

Plant Planting 2000+  — Session: 2023 | JUL - AUG

— Ongoing session Projects Work

HAVO Scholarship Project — 2023

Hindustan Awaam Voice & Organization

9/16, Rahman Apartment, Banjariya, Motihari, East Champaran – 845401 Bihar, India